Tattooed man on bicycle with a large backpack for delivery food. | Photo by <a href= Tyrsyna</a> on <a href=">Unsplash%22 data-lazy-src="" />

Biden Wants To Restrict Work and Flexibility for Freelancers

Most independent contractors don’t want the PRO Act anyway.


akshay-nanavati-8FevUlxdZC0-unsplash | Photo by <a href= Nanavati</a> on <a href=">Unsplash%22 data-lazy-src="" />

Biden Is Poised To Make Freight Trains Less Safe. You Can Thank Special Interests.

Once again, Washington is giving us every reason to believe it's selling favors to cronies even if it means everyone else loses.


victoria-kubiaki-t0Aio60jD4Q-unsplash | Photo by <a href= Kubiaki</a> on <a href=">Unsplash%22 data-lazy-src="" />

The Great Resignation Shows What Empowered Workers Really Look Like

Unions or minimum wage laws aren't required for workers to shift the balance of power.

